The story revolves around a serial kidnapper who has been targeting Hong Kong billionaires and is planning to expand his criminal activities in Macau. Tanigaki is an acclaimed action choreographer with credits including SPL and The Monkey King series.Ĭurrently in pre-production, Master Of Ransom is the second instalment in Wong Jing and Jason Kwan’s crime trilogy following last year’s hit Chasing The Dragon. Currently shooting in Hong Kong, China and Japan, the film is produced by Bona Film Group, Mega-Vision, Sun Entertainment and Super Bullet. Yen plays a cop escorting a convict to Japan in Enter The Fat Dragon, which the star is also producing along with Wong Jing and Connie Wong.
Hong Kong’s Mega-Vision Project Workshop is launching two new high-profile action titles at Filmart: Kenji Tanigaki’s Enter The Fat Dragon, starring Donnie Yen, and Master Of Ransom with Tony Leung Ka-fai, Louis Koo, Gordon Lam and Simon Yam.